New England Newspaper Awards

Use this form to submit and pay for your entries. All PDF files and supporting material should be uploaded using the links below by Friday, July 19, 2024. Follow this link to download the 2024 Award Guidelines.

Newspaper of the Year


Weekday Newspapers

A cover letter is required with your entry. Please submit a brief summary of the strategy and news products you are using to inform and engage audiences in an accurate, comprehensive, and timely manner. We have included a checklist of products, but please add any further methods that are not on the list.


Sunday Newspapers

A cover letter is required with your entry. Please submit a brief summary of the strategy and news products you are using to inform and engage audiences in an accurate, comprehensive, and timely manner. We have included a checklist of products, but please add any further methods that are not on the list.


Weekly Newspapers

A cover letter is required with your entry. Please submit a brief summary of the strategy and news products you are using to inform and engage audiences in an accurate, comprehensive, and timely manner. We have included a checklist of products, but please add any further methods that are not on the list.


Specialty Publications

A cover letter is required with your entry. Please submit a brief summary of the strategy and news products you are using to inform and engage audiences in an accurate, comprehensive, and timely manner. We have included a checklist of products, but please add any further methods that are not on the list.


Online News Sites

A cover letter is required with your entry. Please submit a brief summary of the strategy and news products you are using to inform and engage audiences in an accurate, comprehensive, and timely manner. We have included a checklist of products, but please add any further methods that are not on the list.


Individual Awards


Publick Occurrences

Editors are invited to enter their paper’s best reporting and/or photojournalism from the past year. This award recognizes individual or team stories, series, spot news coverage, columns, or photojournalism that ran in print and/or online. Editors should view this entry as their “very best work of the year” (June 1, 2023 May 31,

This competition is open to all members of NENPA. Up to 16 Publick Occurrences awards will be presented.

Please include an editor’s note describing your entry with the submission.


Allan B. Rogers Editorial Award

This award recognizes the best editorial on a local subject that ran in New England in the past year (June 1, 2023 May 31, 2024). The award honors the editor of The Eagle-Tribune (North Andover, MA) who died in 1964 at the age of 31.

This an open competition, so editorials from a wide variety of member newspapers in New England, regardless of circulation size and frequency of publication, are welcome to enter.

You are encouraged to upload an Editor’s note with your entry.


New England First Amendment Award

This award will recognize a New England newspaper for its exceptional work in upholding the First Amendment and/or educating the public about it.

Entrants will be judged for the quality of reporting, editorials, commentary, and/or legal challenges that illuminate or uphold the First Amendment.

NENPA-member newspapers, regardless of circulation size and frequency of publication, are invited to submit work published during the past year, from (June 1, 2023 May 31, 2024).

Please submit an Editor’s letter of nomination and additional supporting material is encouraged.


Bob Wallack Community Journalism Award

This special award, which is named in honor of longtime New England journalist and former New England Press Association Executive Director Bob Wallack, recognizes an individual who has an exceptional record of commitment to community journalism.

Please upload a letter of nomination that describes your nominee’s contributions, and make a case for why he/she should be chosen for this prestigious distinction. You may also upload examples of their work.


AP Sevellon Brown Journalist of the Year Award

This award is bestowed by the New England Society of News Editors, and it recognizes an individual for producing journalism of distinction in New England this past year.

The competition is open to New England journalists of any kind; whether working for a daily, weekly, or specialty print publication, broadcast outlet, or online media.

Editors or news directors may submit one nomination of a journalist for a compelling story/series published or broadcast between (June 1, 2023 May 31,

Nominations should consist of a brief cover letter, supported by digital tearsheets or links to the text, photos, audio, video, or other elements of the story/series.


The Cornerstone Award

Do you have a dedicated team member who works behind the scenes, ensuring the success of your operation? Perhaps the person is the go-to source for history or relationships in your community or a star production, administration or circulation member. We regularly champion the achievement of our journalists, but there are many others who daily make invaluable contributions to our organizations.

The Cornerstone Award is designed to recognize and honor unsung heroes in our news organizations who meaningfully and significantly contribute to the accomplishments of our publications without recognition. About these folks, we ask the question: “Where would we be without them?” These individuals are the lifeblood of our operations, consistently providing the support and commitment needed to keep our departments and publications thriving.

Submit a nomination letter detailing why your candidate deserves this prestigious recognition. Highlight the person’s dedication, service and the impact the individual has made on your team and organization. All employees are eligible. There are no specific requirements other than demonstrating dedicated service and unwavering support. While a journalist may be recognized with this honor, the intent of the award is to bring attention to someone working in the background.


New England Journalism Educator of the Year Award

The award recognizes a professor at a university or college in our six-state region who is doing outstanding work in preparing the aspiring journalists that will lead our newspaper organizations into the future. Each college in New England is eligible to submit nominations for the award.

Simply write a letter in support of someone at a New England college who is doing extraordinary work with journalism students. Please explain why you think your nominee merits special recognition, and feel free to provide examples or supporting material if appropriate. Also, please provide contact information for your nominee, so that we can follow-up with questions and a notification if he/she is selected.

The nominations will be judged by the board of directors of our Journalism Education Foundation of New England. All materials should be uploaded on the NENPA website.

Total: $0.00

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